Our tribe enables Nature Nurtures to grow with a network of human relationships. We are a community, a safe harbour for maverick practitioners to sustain the energy and focus they need. You may be an experienced manager or leader, looking to implement a new outdoor provision. Or you may be a recent graduate, looking for inspiration and a place to 'find your people.'
You can join our tribe, gain access to discounts on training and resources, free advertising for job vacancies, business health check up, support including input from the NN team and a scheduled online Q&A each quarter, a private online community for additional support: ask questions, get feedback, share ideas and more.
Use Less, Be More
We believe that using less makes for more. This is why we don't bombard you with 'worksheets', 'monthly tips', 'top lists', etc. We start with a human connection - ask a question on the members forum, share an idea. Our tribe will support you in all the ways they can. By being unafraid to challenge ourselves, we do better for each other and our world.